Commitment to not letting any ticket fall behind schedule!
The SmaAD project is being implemented for the GMO Tech client in the Advertising field. The team's task is to build a system that has a long history, change old features and develop new modules as required.

GMO TECH is a company that develops advertising services on the internet
Since the project started in August 2021 until now, the total number of team members on the project has been only four. Despite the small team size, in 2022, the number of tasks the team has completed has reached 135 tickets. "All members have made 200% effort to achieve the goal: not to let any ticket fall behind schedule, and everyone has done it!" shared Mr. Nguyen Manh Tuan.
Make effort, perseverance, and "achieve Poker"
For the implementation team, SmaAD is quite a special project, as the new phase of implementation began during the COVID-19 outbreak. Everyone had to communicate through various forms such as chat, phone calls, online meetings... many times a day to analyze and solve each problem encountered, as WFH (work from home) lasted for many months. The working from home period was even more stressful than sitting in the office because the project team lacked interaction, face-to-face meetings, and encountered certain obstacles. There were peak days when team members had to work until 10 pm without any signs of stopping or leaving their desks to have dinner or take a break. Ms. Nguyen Thi Hoang Anh - BrSE added: "The team had to spend a lot of time researching the operation of the old system. Investigating and revisiting the spec lasted until a specific spec was finalized. In addition, for the dev team, the biggest challenge was probably when upgrading the database task from MySQL 5.6 to 5.7. The team found ways to investigate so that the ver5.7 database still runs slowly. Finally, the solution was to change the way SQL statements were written and solved the query speed on version 5.7 as desired by the customer." "We have encountered many difficulties and challenges, but we have reminded ourselves to always make relentless efforts, continuously learn and explore, and not forget to encourage each other's spirits in order to come up with the best solutions to ensure effective implementation of the project." - Mr. Bui Viet Duc, a project member, shared.

Team SmaAD always stands united, makes efforts, and encourages each other to successfully implement the project
After COVID-19 was brought under control and life returned to normal, the SmaAD team continued to persevere, persist and improve the "timeless" project. Therefore, when they were named Best G-Team in the Offshore Project category in 2022, Nguyen Manh Tuan and the team members were touched and surprised because they did not expect to receive this prestigious award.

Mr. Ngo Van Tau, General Director of GMO-Z.com RUNSYSTEM, presented the cup to the SmaAD project team - the Best G-Team awards, Offshore project group
Sharing his emotions after receiving the award, Mr. Tuan said: "Thanks to the unity of the whole team and the full support from colleagues and especially those from the BrSE and Comm departments, the SmaAD team has overcome difficulties and developed the project to what it is today. Thank you for the support of everyone! Regarding the project quality when handed over to the customer, the team has checked very carefully. Therefore, the number of bugs returned by the customer is relatively low and almost these bugs are not serious. This is also something that we are very proud of." "In football, when a player scores 2 goals in a match, it's called a brace, scoring 3 goals is called a hat-trick, scoring 4 goals is called a poker. The whole team will try their best to aim for the goal of achieving a Best G-Team poker."
Expectations for breakthroughs in the future
The project team expects to develop modules with superior features and performance to develop data management systems for all advertising businesses in need. Digital transformation in the advertising industry is an inevitable trend, in which data will become the biggest asset of businesses, as the more diverse the channels are, the more data will be collected. Compared to existing solutions for advertising businesses in the market, the system of GMO-Z.com RUNSYSTEM has strong synthesis power, integrating advanced technologies such as AI, IoT, RPA... to create more effective advertising strategies, shorten the time to initiate and run advertising campaigns, require less human resources but still achieve superior results compared to traditional advertising campaigns. For the SmaAD project, GMO TECH has evaluated the effectiveness of the project at a high level, continuing to trust and collaborate with GMO-Z.com RUNSYSTEM in 02 other major projects in the near future.