RUNSYSTEM | RUNSYSTEM Joint Stock Company RUNSYSTEM signed a cooperation agreement with the University of Technology – Hanoi National University

Oct 05, 2016

On 05/10/2016, RUNSYSTEM Corporation and the Faculty of Information Technology – Hanoi University of Technology – Hanoi National University held the signing ceremony of the cooperation agreement in Student support work. The signing ceremony was held at Hall 212, University of Technology – Hanoi National University.


Representatives of Hanoi University of Technology – Hanoi National University and RUNSYSTEM took photo together after the signing ceremony.

In this signing ceremony, there were Prof. Dr. Le Sy Vinh – Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology, Dr. Phan Xuan Hieu – Vice Dean of the Faculty of Information Technology, Dr. Bui Ngoc Thang – Director of Research Center for Enterprise Application and Cooperation. On behalf of RUNSYSTEM, there were Mr. Nguyen Tan Minh – Vice Director of the Company, Ms. Nguyen Thi Thanh Thuy – Human Resource Manager, …

The signing of this cooperation agreement will support students of Faculty of Information Technology (IT) in activities related to professional training, scientific research, training support, career guidance, scholarships, … as well as other extracurricular activities.

This signing ceremony is the very first milestone, opening up programs and opportunities for good cooperation between VNU-HN and RUNSYSTEM in the near future.


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